Monday, September 3, 2012

101 Days of Summer Comes to an End

As so often seems to happen in these busy times it has (once again) been forever since I have posted to this page...  All I can say is we have been living life and lately it has left little time for writing about life.
The summer has flown by - today is Labor Day, the traditional end to summer, day number 101.  In reflection, it has been three months of worry and stress followed by a few weeks of rest, then a return to our typical 100 mph speed.
The start of summer was consumed with preparation for my boy's surgery.  He had his heart repaired on 22 June and by 22 August he was back to playing baseball and launching himself off his bike ramp.  I still cringe when he competes with his best buddies for "most air" but know he is strong and healed.  I would love to wrap him in a bubble but know that he would be miserable - life in his estimation is meant to be lived going full throttle.  He has started 4th grade and has set his goal on reading 1 Million words by the end of the school year (and well on his way at over 115K so far!).
Our mid summer was spent with my girl in training for a new soccer team.  She had played for a large corporate club based near our house with satellite clubs all around the front range and the size was becoming a barrier for true player development.  So, she tried out for a smaller club, made the team, then did both a soccer camp and a speed/running camp.  Saturdays are now spent driving the "soccer shuttle" all over the place (one drawback to leaving the big club is we are now in a more independent league - and going further afield for games).  She also started middle school and seems to be flourishing in the independence.
For me, fall brings the realization that I have just two years left in the Air Force - two years that I am sure will speed by.  I am starting to think of life after the military, looking at securing my Colorado licence and networking a little for jobs.  The Air Force has done a great job of training me to be an NP, a leader, and in some cases a follower but does little to train us professionals on how to find employment once our time is done. 
All deep thinking and worry aside, this weekend has been spent in celebration of all the joy and strength we have in our community - sleepovers and play dates, happy hours and dinners with friends, live music and long runs.  So much to be thankful for and so much more on the horizon.
Happy Labor Day!!!