Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A way to support the troops

Remember those old WWII movies with the soldiers dancing at the USO with the lovely local ladies? Did you know the USO still exists?

They are an amazing organization and an incredible support to U.S. soldiers, sailors and airmen stationed here and all over the world. The United Service Organizations (USO) has been around since before WWII and continues to bring a touch of home to service members everywhere. They currently boast more than 130 locations throughout the world, and we have an incredible example right here at Camp Atterbury. The local USO is staffed by volunteers who provide hot coffee, cold drinks, snacks and always a smile. The building also houses two big screen TVs, pool tables, ping-pong tables, foosball, video games, board games, reading material, etc. The service is provided free of charge and is much enjoyed by all.

Another neat opportunity the USO provides: They will video-record you reading a book to your child, then give you the tape and the book to send home. I did this the first week I was here and my kids were thrilled. I hope to do it again before we head out of here.

Want to know more? Check out their website: Got a few extra pennies and wonder about a deserving organization? Send them to the USO. I can promise you the troops who benefit will appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. The book thing is a very cool idea! I would do that, like, weekly. :-) Heck, every parent should do it.
